Franklin D. Roosevelt rss

Those Liberal Aristocrats Katharine Hepburn & Franklin D. Roosevelt

They were both unapologetically liberal Yankee aristocrats who used their cigarettes like theatrical props and delivered their crisp, taut opinions in the now-vanished “Mid-Atlantic accent,” that American upper-class tone popularly called “Locust Valley Lockjaw.” They were even distantly related through… Read More ›

Sex Lives of the Pilgrims: Girls Gone Wild, Gay Guys, An Orgy, Incest & Goodwives Chasing Native Men

“Puritanism,” said legendary wit H. L. Mencken, “is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” Clearly, Mencken never pawed through the court record of Plymouth Colony‘s first generations of Pilgrims. In them, one finds eye-popping details of every… Read More ›