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Presidents, First Ladies & February’s Princess: Alice Roosevelt Longworth’s Century of Chief Executive Friends

This time of year was always one of milestones for the woman dubbed by the press as the nation’s first “Princess,” Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the eldest child of President Theodore Roosevelt, the wife of Speaker of the House Nicholas Longworth,… Read More ›

JFK’s Children: John’s Birthday on his Father’s Burial Day & How Caroline Was Told JFK was Gone

The absence of their mother during the shocking aftermath of their father’s murder had led to several hours of uncertainty about who should first break the news to Caroline Kennedy and John Kennedy, Jr. and how it should be explained…. Read More ›

The “Lost Girls” Ghosts of a President & First Lady Who Affected Presidential Policy

November first, the day after Halloween, is the religious All Souls Day in the Catholic faith. In the Mexican culture, it has usually been marked with iconography of skeletons and other unearthly representations of dead family members as the centerpiece… Read More ›