Author’s Contacts

Speaking at the White House.

Speaking at the White House.

Carl Anthony had written hundreds of articles and a dozen books (see “Author’s Books”), provided broadcast and other media commentary to all major broadcast stations, and participated in panel symposiums around the country. He has also delivered multi-media lectures in venues ranging from the White House, Smithsonian, Presidential Libraries, universities, private clubs, civic organizations, corporate conventions, even to guests on cruise ships and a moving railroad train (see “Author Bio”).

If you wish to reach him to inquire about his publications or to schedule him for a multi-media lecture presentation or media interview, or about any other projects, or for further information, to ask questions or to leave comments about any one of the copyrighted articles on Carl Anthony Online,  you may do so here, by writing a “comment,” which will not be published (all comments are first reviewed before publication).

To do this, please first register your email on the Main Page; doing so will provide free updates on new stories as they are published. You may, of course, remove your name from the free updates once you have asked your question.

For public and media inquiries related to First Lady history, please contact him by email at: [email protected].

Categories: About, Author

5 replies

  1. Carl:I consider you the best source for this information I need for a story I am writing for the NY Times.
    Which was the first administration to serve only American wines? If it was Nixon, as has been suggested, is it then true he served American wines to his guests, but drink European wines from a separate bottle.
    Or did Johnson start the custom and Nixon continued it but he drank European wines.
    Was this only for State Dinners or did this apply to all wines served at the White House.?
    And did Hillary Clinton start the custom of all American food? And did it apply to all meals or just State Dinners?
    You can email or call me at 301-229-6655.
    Hope you are well.
    Thank you very much,
    Marian Burros

    P.S. Of course, I am on deadline!

  2. Carl… back when first connecting, I went onto Amazon to get a copy of As We Remember Her… thing is, it never got here and just realised that it was also never charged to my cc… could I prevail on you to paypal you for an autographed copy; this is not the first time that I’ve ordered something from rather than and it simply disappeared into some internet probable reality… thanks in advance… really love your site; your knowledge is both vast and admiringly commendable… Arvin.

    • Arvin – Thank you so very much for your generous observations about the site. Unfortunately, I no longer have any extra copies of any of my books….all supplies, all gone. I would say the best thing to do is get a good-condition used one on ebay or amazon and then I can send you a signed book plate. Hope that works – thanks so much.

      • Carl, Sir,

        Well, I finally received my Amazon-ordered copy of ‘As We Remember Her’… Love it; however, my only reservation is that it was a library book, replete with card and applicable library catalog info on the binder! Who are these people that would do such a thing? That aside, I am thoroughly enjoying your commendable work. Regards and the best as ever. Arvin.

        • Arvin – You are a real trooper for slogging through the effort to get a copy of the book – and I certainly appreciate it. Now – I sure hope it proves that the effort was worth it!

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