Food rss

Hoosier Sugar Cream Finger Pie, from the Indy 500 to the Quakers: Pies of the States

Yesterday during this last weekend in May,  almost always on Memorial Day,  is the traditional time for the famous Indianapolis 500 Race. What does it have in common with the Quakers? Both are quintessentially Indianian and part of the enduring… Read More ›

Marion Berry: Not the DC Mayor, the Oregon Pie

Washington, D.C.’s  imprisoned and re-elected mayor (1979-1991; 1995-1999) is Marion Barry. Oregon’s longish, glossy, purple  fruit is the Marion Berry. And that makes Marionberry Pie the unofficial though unchallenged  State Pie of Oregon. Found in profusion along Willamette Valley vines each… Read More ›